2019 Family Voices Leadership Conference Presentation Slides and Materials
Family Engagement / Leadership in Family and Professional Partnerships
Below are slides and other materials from keynote and breakout session presentations at the 2019 Family Voices Leadership Conference. The conference schedule and presentation descriptions can be found in the conference program. Speaker bios are here.
- Preconference: 2019 Hill Visit How to Session
- Plenary: Keynote, Frederick Isasi, Health Care Justice Movement: Our Time is Now!
- Plenary: Keynote, Dr. Michael Warren, Perspectives from the Maternal and Child Health Bureau
- Plenary: Partnership Opportunities Panel, panelist Christina Boothby
- Plenary: Partnership Opportunities Panel, panelist Margaret Comeau
- Plenary: Partnership Opportunities Panel, panelist Jonathan Webb
- Breakout #1 Providing Support for CYSHCN at School
- Breakout #2 Title V Five-Year Needs Assessment: Opportunities for Families and Family-led Organizations to Partner with Title V
- Breakout #3 Meaningfully Engaging Families in Newborn Screening Education
- Breakout #5 Well Child Care--An Oxymoron for CYSHCN? No! Bright Futures for Every Child!
- Breakout #6 Developing and Supporting Remote Work Teams
- Breakout #7 We Can't Do This Without You! One F2F's Authentic Partnership with Their State's Title V CYSHCN Program
- Breakout #8 Family Partners in Research, Part 1
- Breakout #9 Family Wisdom, Diverse and Underserved Communities and the Challenges of Intersectionality
- Breakout #10 Coming soon: History of Family Voices
- Breakout #11 LEAD: Staff Leadership Exploration and Development
- Breakout #12 Consumer Engagement in a Virtual World
- Breakout #13 Coming soon: Cultural Broker/Model to Implement in Human Services Agencies
- Breakout #14 Charting the LifeCourse: Path to the GOOD Life Throughout the Lifespan, 1
- Breakout #14 Charting the LifeCourse: Path to the GOOD Life Throughout the Lifespan, 2
- Breakout #14 Charting the LifeCourse: Path to the GOOD Life Throughout the Lifespan, 3
- Breakout #15 Important Intersections Between CYSHCN & the Child Welfare System: Policy & System Navigation Implications for F2Fs and SAOs
- Breakout #16 Executive Directors' Session: Successful Staff Recruitment & Retention
- Breakout #17 Social Media: New Low-cost Tools for Effective Outreach
- Breakout #18 Sharing Community-based Cultural Signals - Through a Dine Lens on the Navajo Nation
- Breakout #19 Supported Decision-Making: How to Create a Supportive Network, Part 1
- Breakout #19 Supported Decision-Making: How to Create a Supportive Network, Part 2
- Breakout #19 Supported Decision-Making: How to Create a Supportive Network, Part 3
- Breakout #20 Florida Family Leaders' Network: A Family-led Statewide Initiative to Build a Network of Family Leaders in Florida
- Breakout #21 Family Engagement Strategies for Systems Change
- Breakout #22 Partnering in the MCH Block Grant: From Start to Finish to Starting Again!, Slides
- Breakout #22 Partnering in the MCH Block Grant: From Start to Finish to Starting Again!, Action Planning Tool
- Breakout #22 Partnering in the MCH Block Grant: From Start to Finish to Starting Again!, State Priority Needs NPMs Family Org Activities
- Breakout #22 Partnering in the MCH Block Grant: From Start to Finish to Starting Again!, Non-CSHCN Activities Blank
- Breakout #22 Partnering in the MCH Block Grant: From Start to Finish to Starting Again!, Core Outcome Activities Blank
- Breakout #22 Partnering in the MCH Block Grant: From Start to Finish to Starting Again!, Contacts Infographic 2019 SPAN
- Breakout #22 Partnering in the MCH Block Grant: From Start to Finish to Starting Again!, The Maternal and Child Health Block Grant Overview 2019
- Breakout #22 Partnering in the MCH Block Grant: From Start to Finish to Starting Again!, Block Grant Partners & Collaborators
- Breakout #22 Partnering in the MCH Block Grant: From Start to Finish to Starting Again!, Family Org Value-add Strategies for Block Grant WITH ACTIVITIES
- Breakout #22 Partnering in the MCH Block Grant: From Start to Finish to Starting Again!, The Web of Connections Needs Assessment
- Breakout #22 Partnering in the MCH Block Grant: From Start to Finish to Starting Again!, Parent Block Grant Testimony Format
- Breakout #23 Innovative Ways to use the Care Map

A Patient-Centered Autism Research Agenda to Engage the African American Community

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