Banner with the photos of families and children and the Family Voices tagline, Keeping families at the center of children's health care

Family Voices is a national family-led organization of families and friends of children and youth with special health care needs (CYSHCN) and disabilities.  We connect a network of family organizations across the United States that provide support to families of CYSHCN. 

We promote partnership with families at all levels of health care–individual and policy decision-making levels—in order to improve health care services and policies for children.

Do you have a child or teen who has special health care needs or disabilities? Find support in your local community.

¿Tiene un niño o adolescente que tiene necesidades especiales de salud o discapacidades? Haga clic aquí para buscar ayuda.

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Family Voices News

Congress: Opioid Legislation

On June 21, the House approved the Substance Use-Disorder Prevention that Promotes Opioid Recovery and Treatment or for Patients and Communities Act – or SUPPORT for Patients and Communities Act (H.R. 6) – which consolidated multiple previously passed bills. See...

Congress: Maternal and Child Health Legislation

On June 26, the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) approved two bills intended to improve maternal and child health. The Maternal Health Accountability Act (S. 1112) would establish a new grant program administered by CDC to provide...

Congress: FY 2019 Appropriations

Update: The Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, HHS, and Education approved its version of the bill to fund those agencies in FY 2019, and the full committee approved the bill the next day. (See the committee report.) As reported in last week’s Update, the...

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Our Vision

With families at the center of health care, all children and youth reach their full potential and health disparities are eliminated.

Our Mission

Family Voices is a national organization and grassroots network of families and friends of children and youth with special health care needs and disabilities that promotes partnership with families—including those of cultural, linguistic and geographic diversity—in order to improve health care services and policies for children.

In honor of