Washington DC Update News
Below are recent articles from the Washington DC Update newsletter, a weekly Family Voices newsletter that provides the latest on national policy affecting children/youth with special health care needs and their families, and also shares relevant resources and happenings in the field.
Your Input Sought
Traveling by Air with Service Animals [corrected from May 31 Update.] Comments due July 9 On May 23, the Department of Transportation (DOT) published an Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (ANPRM) regarding regulations of service animals under the Air Carrier...
Other News, Information, and Resources
FDA Approves Epilepsy Drug Derived from Marijuana On Monday, June 25, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced the approval of a purified form of the drug cannabidiol (CBD). The new product, called Epidiolex, was approved to treat seizures in patients two...
Affordable Care Act News and Resources: Navigator Grants Uncertain
As of June 20, the administration had not yet provided any information to about future funding to the groups that have been serving as ACA “navigators.” See Key ObamaCare groups in limbo as they await funding (The Hill, 6/20/28). Navigators assist consumers in...
Medicaid/CHIP News: Guidance on Providing EPSDT Services for Children in “Institutions for Mental Disease” (IMDs)
On June 20, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) released an Informational Bulletin that describes the requirements of section 12005 of the 21st Century Cures Act (the Cures Act) -- “Providing EPSDT Services to Children in IMDs.” This section of the...
Budget and Appropriations
Rescissions As reported in last week’s Update, the Senate voted not to take up the bill that would have rescinded funds previously designated for the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) and other programs. Because the legislation was subject to a deadline of...
Broader Immigration Legislation
As reported in last week’s Update, the House is expected to take up a broad immigration bill that is considered to be a compromise among “Republicans of all perspectives.” See the press release. The Border Security and Immigration Reform Act of 2018 (H.R. 6136) would...
Family Separations at the Border
As explained in last week’s Update, the president issued an Executive Order on June 20 to end the practice of separating children and their families when they enter the U.S. See The Executive Order Trump Claims Will End Family Separation, Explained (Vox, 6/21/18). The...
White House Proposed Government Reorganization
Last week the White House announced a plan to reorganize several departments of the federal government. See the White House fact sheet. Under the proposal, the Departments of Education and Labor would be merged into a single Department of Education and the Workforce....
Week of 6/27/2018 Upcoming Webinars and Calls in the Field
UPCOMING WEBINARS AND CALLS Estate Planning for Special Needs Wednesday, June 27, 12:00-1:15 ET The Parents’ Place of Maryland (Maryland Family-to-Family Health Information Center) Ticket to Work: Support on Your Journey to Financial Independence Wednesday, June 27,...