Washington DC Update News
Below are recent articles from the Washington DC Update newsletter, a weekly Family Voices newsletter that provides the latest on national policy affecting children/youth with special health care needs and their families, and also shares relevant resources and happenings in the field.
AFFORDABLE CARE ACT (Washington Update, November 30, 2018)
REMEMBER: 2019 Open Enrollment runs from Nov. 1 through Dec. 15, 2018. Waivers Will Allow States to Alter ACA Rules On November 29, CMS provided details about specific ways that states can utilize new guidance on the ACA’s “Section 1332 Innovation Waivers,” now called...
TRICARE (Washington Update, November 30, 2018)
TRICARE Prime Versus TRICARE Select: Should You Change or Keep Your Plan? (TRICARE Benefits Update, 11/21/18) Don’t Delay, Federal Benefits Open Season Underway (TRICARE Benefits Update, 11/20/18) Two open seasons are underway until Dec. 10, 2018: The Federal Benefits...
OTHER NEWS, INFORMATION, AND RESOURCES (Washington Update, November 30, 2018)
NEWS American Children Losing Insurance Coverage On November 21, the Georgetown Center on Children and Families (CCF) released a new report, Nation's Progress on Children's Health Coverage Reverses Course, which analyzes American Community Survey data nationally and...
Your Input Sought/Announcements/Of Possible Interest (Washington Update, November 30, 2018)
YOUR INPUT SOUGHT Nominations Sought for Federal Family Caregiving Advisory Council – due Dec. 3 The Secretary of Health & Human Services (HHS) has posted a Notice requesting nominations for individuals to serve on the Family Caregiving Advisory Council, which was...
Webinars from the Field (Washington Update, November 16, 2018)
Strengthening Care Delivery Systems for Children with Special Health Care Needs and the Role of Quality Measurement Wednesday, November 28, 2:00-3:00 pm ET National Academy for State Health Policy Early Childhood and Medicaid 101: The Tip of the Iceberg Wednesday,...
Resources for Open Enrollment (Washington Update, November 16, 2018)
2019 Open Enrollment Runs from November 1 through December 15, 2018 Plans sold during Open Enrollment start January 1, 2019. After December 15, consumers can enroll in 2019 health insurance only if they qualify for a Special Enrollment Period. Federal Health Insurance...
The Elections (Washington Update, November 16, 2018)
U.S. House of Representatives: As reported last week, the House “flipped” from a Republican to a Democratic majority for the next Congress (which begins on January 3, 2019). The total count is not yet in, but at this point the Democrats have 226 seats and the...
Congress (Washington Update, November 16, 2018)
Members of Congress returned from their pre-election recess on Tuesday for what is known as a “lame-duck” session, since some of the Members will be “lame ducks” – not returning for the next session of Congress in January. By December 7, Congress will have to...
Medicaid/CHIP News, Information, and Resources (Washington Update, November 16, 2018)
Proposed Rule on Medicaid/CHIP Managed Care and Network Standards On November 8, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) issued a Notice of Proposed Rule Making (NPRM) (proposed rule) to amend the 2016 managed care final rule issued by the Obama...
Affordable Care Act (Washington Update, November 16, 2018)
REMEMBER: 2019 Open Enrollment runs from Nov. 1 through Dec. 15, 2018. WORTH REPEATING: INSURANCE BUYERS BEWARE Some ads, websites, and robocalls advertise sham health plans, sometimes using the names of legitimate insurance companies. Consumers should purchase...