Washington DC Update News
Below are recent articles from the Washington DC Update newsletter, a weekly Family Voices newsletter that provides the latest on national policy affecting children/youth with special health care needs and their families, and also shares relevant resources and happenings in the field.
Affordable Care Act (Washington Update, March 14, 2019)
Ask KFF: Karen Pollitz Answers 3 Questions on Why Insurers Deny Claims (Kaiser Family Foundation, 3/6/19) Shopping for a Short-Term Plan? The Information You Get about it Will Depend on Your State (blog of the Georgetown Center on Health Insurance Reform, 3/7/19)...
TRICARE (Washington Update, March 14, 2019)
What is a TRICARE Qualifying Life Event? (TRICARE Benefit Update, 3/7/19) WORTH REPEATING: Everything You Need to Know about Filing Medical Claims (TRICARE Benefits Update, 3/1/19)
Other News, Information, and Resources (Washington Update, March 14, 2019)
From the Agencies Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA): DTAC Bulletin: Disaster Planning and Preparedness and People with Serious Mental Illness Department of Health and Human Services Office of Minority Health: The report State and...
Your Input Sought/Of Possible Interest (Washington Update, March 14, 2019)
YOUR INPUT SOUGHT NEW Survey to Improve Caregiver Hospital Experience The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) is analyzing the hospital visitor experience. If you are someone in the United States that has either visited a loved one in a hospital OR identifies...
The world of health care advocacy lost a powerful but modest leader, Rob Restuccia, who was considered by many to be the “father of health care reform.” In the words of Family Voices Executive Director Nora Wells, “In creating and leading Health Care for All, the...
If you are heading to San Antonio this weekend for the annual Association of Maternal and Child Health Programs Conference, be sure to stop by the Family Voices table in Exhibit Hall. Some events you can find FV staff at are: FV and P2P Exhibit Table: Check out the...
Kicking Off DD Awareness Month
Kicking Off DD Awareness Month (ACL Bulletin, 3/1/19) March 1 marks the first day of Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month. All month, ACL will be sharing blogs and resources through our listserv and Facebook and Twitter pages. We hope you will join us in...
Webinars from the Field (Washington Update, March 6, 2019)
SERIES: Pain Medication Education Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation Part 3: What Are My Options for Tapering Opioids? Wednesday, March 13, 12:00-1:00 pm ET Past -- Part 1: "What is my pain medication?" Video; Info. Past -- Part 2: Understanding Opioids and Opioid...
CONGRESS (Washington Update, March 6, 2019)
“Medicare-for-All” Bill Introduced On February 28, Representatives Pramila Jayapal (D-WA) and Debbie Dingell (D-MI), joined by another 105 Democrats, introduced the Medicare for All Act of 2019 (H.R. 1384). The bill would expand the Medicare program to cover all U.S....
Medicaid/Affordable Care Act/TRICARE News (Washington Update, March 6, 2019)
MEDICAID RESOURCES REMINDER: Approved and pending Medicaid waiver applications can be found on gov. The Kaiser Family Foundation regularly updates its state-by-state §1115 Medicaid Waiver Tracker, and also provides related waiver resources and definitions. AFFORDABLE...