by Family Voices, Inc. | Jul 18, 2018 | NCFPP, Washington Update
More than 7,000 fail to meet Medicaid work requirements in Arkansas (The Hill, 07/16/18) WORTH REPEATING: Medicaid Social Media Toolkit The American Association on Health & Disability has developed a social media toolkit for Medicaid. The toolkit provides sample...
by Family Voices, Inc. | Jul 18, 2018 | NCFPP, Washington Update
CMS to Reduce Funding for ACA Navigators Last week the administration announced that it will significantly reduce funding for ACA Navigators for the next open enrollment period (Nov. 1-Dec. 15, 2018, for 2019 plans). (See the CMS press release.) The Funding...
by Family Voices, Inc. | Jul 18, 2018 | NCFPP, Washington Update
NEWS: Government Shuts Down Websites on Treatment and Quality Guidelines On July 16, the administration took down two “microsites” from the website of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) – the National Guideline Clearinghouse (, a...
by Family Voices, Inc. | Jul 18, 2018 | NCFPP, Washington Update
Your Input Sought Best Practices in Guardianship @SenateAging is taking comment on best practices in guardianship through July 20, 2018, to inform a report they are producing. Email Topics include data collection, avoiding exploitation by...
by Family Voices, Inc. | Jul 11, 2018 | NCFPP, Washington Update
Greetings from Washington! Congress was out of session last week so it was a bit quieter than usual inside the beltway — not counting the fireworks over the Washington Monument on the 4th of July. Things got louder on Monday night, though, when the president...