A collage of photographs of African American families and children, all smiling for the camera.

Family Voices United to End Racism Against CYSHCN and Their Families (FamU)

About FamU

This project came out of a spontaneous collective mourning as a network after the horrific murder of George Floyd and countless other Black lives in 2020. Family Voices recognized the importance of not just putting out a statement of solidarity but also devoting funding and time to support and educate our network of family organizations. The result, Families Voices United to End Racism Against Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs (CYSHCN) and their Families, aka FamU was born. Recognizing the loftiness of the goal, Family Voices chose to take the first steps, guided by the 3 objectives below, and focus on building change within our own network of family-led organizations first.

Build Competence by learning about the history of race in the U.S. and racial disparities in healthcare.

Foster Connectedness by creating opportunities to connect and engage in raw, honest, uncomfortable conversations necessary to bring about change.

Encourage confidence to act with the creation of materials and guidance to equip network members to start, lead and sustain conversations to dismantle racism in healthcare of children and youth with special health care needs (CYSHCN).

Team FamU with input and feedback from our Advisory Group, put together the website as a toolkit for you to begin to do the important work of dismantling racism, being more culturally competent as an organization and building and developing meaningful engagement with the families that you serve. It is by no means exhaustive, rather it was designed as a starting point. This toolkit offers a variety of documents, multi-media articles, videos and so many resources that we’ve curated for you. Enjoy the journey!

To request use of our toolkit website and any documents, please complete the form using the “FAMU Toolkit use request” button above.


What’s New?

Rest to Create Change
Rest to Create Change highlights the importance of rest as we work against racism in our communities. You will learn about why sleep is important; the difference between rest and sleep; why rest matters in this work; how to develop a rest practice; learn about rest leaders; and the history of yoga and rest in the Black Community.

Explore “Rest to Create Change”

Diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging.

Black History 365 is yearlong education about Black History relevant to the health and wellbeing of Black children and families. The monthly info sheets include historic facts, readings, music, and multimedia. Click the image  to download this month’s info sheet. 

Black History 365 February download
Mr Marshalls Block Party
Download Ebook | Purchase on Amazon
Read Mr. Marshalls Block Party with your Family, written by CDC's Act Early Ambassador to DC: Yetta Myrick

The Impact of Systemic Racism

Disability and the African American Experience

Health inequities, inequalities, and disparities against Black people dates back to 1619 when enslaved Africans were forcibly brought to the Americas. They were chained, locked up and force fed in crowded barrels of slave ships with no regard for hygiene or any basic human necessity. On the mainland they were forced to live in squalor, the men constantly beaten, women and girls raped by slave masters and plantation managers. Enslaved people’s bodies were exploited to produce offspring that were bought and sold in a practice known as chattel slavery. The exploitation continued well after emancipation with Black bodies being used for “medical education” and/or “research” as highlighted in the infamous United States Public Health Services Syphilis Study otherwise known as the Tuskegee Study of 1932. The Museum of Disability History walks us through a brief timeline from 1619 through 2003 and highlights some horrific programs and practices many that were instituted as mainstream practices and exist today as systemic racism.

Read more at museumofdisability.org

Why This Work Matters to Our Network

The Family Voices Families United to End Racism Against CYSHCN and their Families (FamU) project was developed to provide support and education to our national network of family organizations. Through the development of bi-monthly town halls, deeper dive materials, an advisory group, a website, and a leadership team to coordinate all the work, FamU provides a space for our network that builds competence, fosters connectedness, and encourages the confidence to act to dismantle racism.

The Center for the Study of Social Policy (CSSP) developed a document entitled Moving Forward Together: Journey to Equity, Inclusion and Justice. It is an excellent short guide that offers 3 stages of growth: Stage one: Preparing for Change, Stage Two: Moving Forward to Together, Stage Three: Ideas into Action as well as, lessons learned and recommendations. The guide can be used in complement to this website to begin doing the work of dismantling racism.

Read more

Systemic Racism & Health Disparities

Having an awareness and understanding of what systemic racism is and how it impacts the lives of Black families is an important first step to breaking down barriers, supporting families and beginning the work of dismantling racism. While we may not solve a problem 400-years old, we each can work towards self-improvement and community engagement.

Read more

Artwork, combining symbols for the scales of justice and doctors/the medical profession

FamU Timeline

May, 2020
Racial Injustice Unveiled
June, 2020
Family Voices Talk
June, 2020
Families United Is Born (FamU)
July, 2020
FamU Advisory Group

The Road Map


Black Culture

Understanding Black Culture and history to dismantle racism

Tools to

Get You Started

Tools to help you get started and implement in YOUR STATE

FamU Youth


Engaging youth
Inviting & championing youth engagement

Learn More


Resources to Explore More

/* Toggle show/hide for timeline sections of main FamU page */ jQuery( document ).ready(function( $ ) { $(".hide-on-load").hide(); $("#systemic-racism").click(function(){ $("#systemic-racism-cont").toggle(); $(".systemic-racism-icon").toggle(); }); $("#famu-timeline").click(function(){ $("#famu-timeline-cont").toggle(); $(".famu-timeline-icon").toggle(); }); var hash = $(location).prop('hash'); if (hash == '#systemic-racism') { $("#systemic-racism-cont").show(); $(".systemic-racism-icon").toggle(); } if (hash == '#famu-timeline') { $("#famu-timeline-cont").show(); $(".famu-timeline-icon").toggle(); } });

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Our Vision

All children, youth, and families, especially those with special health care needs and disabilities, experience their best health and quality of life.

Our Mission

Family Voices is a family-led organization that transforms systems of care to work better for all children and youth, especially those with special health care needs or disabilities. By putting families at the forefront and centering their leadership and lived expertise, we build a culture that includes everyone and fosters equitable outcomes.

Donate by mail

To donate by mail, your check payable to Family Voices can be mailed to us at:
Family Voices
561 Virginia Rd.
Bldg. 4, Suite 300
Concord, MA 01742

In honor of