Washington DC Update News
Below are recent articles from the Washington DC Update newsletter, a weekly Family Voices newsletter that provides the latest on national policy affecting children/youth with special health care needs and their families, and also shares relevant resources and happenings in the field.
Congress: Bill Introduced for Paid Parental Leave to Be Paid Back from Future Social Security Retirement Benefits (Washington Update, August 8, 2018)
On August 1, Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) introduced the Economic Security for New Parents Act (S.3345). The bill would give parents the option to take paid parental leave for up to 12 weeks, for a total of 24 weeks per couple, for each child who has been born or...
Medicaid/CHIP News, Information, and Resources (Washington Update, August 8, 2018)
Medicaid Waivers Pending Medicaid waiver proposals (updated) Kentucky Waiver – Open for Public Comment Again – due Aug. 18 As reported in the July 3 Washington Update (under “Courts”), a federal court vacated the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) approval...
Affordable Care Act (ACA) News (Washington Update, August 8, 2018)
More on “Short-Term, Limited-Duration” Plans As reported in the August 2 Update, the administration issued a final rule on August 1 to permit insurers to sell on “short-term, limited-duration” insurance (STLDI) plans that are effective for up to one year and are...
Zika News, Information, and Resources (Washington Update, August 8, 2018)
New Report and Resources on Babies with Zika Virus in the US Territories On August 7, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released the largest report to-date on health outcomes in US babies affected by the Zika virus. The report is about babies born...
Final Rule on Transparency of Hospital Charges (Washington Update, August 8, 2018)
As explained in this August 2 press release, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) last week released a final rule on Medicare reimbursement for hospitals and other facilities. The rule also includes provisions intended to increase the transparency of...
Palliative Care Campaign and Resources (Washington Update, August 8, 2018)
The National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR) has developed the Palliative Care: Conversations Matter ® campaign to increase the use of palliative care for children and teens living with serious illnesses. Provided on the campaign website are materials for...
ABLE National Resource Center Launches 2018 #ABLEtoSave Campaign (Washington Update 8/8/18)
August 2018 is #ABLEtoSave month, a nationwide awareness campaign led by the ABLE National Resource Center (ANRC) to provide information about ABLE accounts. During each of the four weeks in August, ANRC will provide resources, including: Informational videos Webinars...
Your Input Sought/Of Possible Interest (Washington Update, August 8, 2018)
YOUR INPUT SOUGHT NEW Indian Health Service Seeks Comments on Draft Strategic Plan Comments due August 23. As described in a Federal Register Notice, The Indian Health Service (IHS) is developing an agency-wide Strategic Plan for fiscal years 2018-2022, and is seeking...
Upcoming Webinars from the Field (Washington Update August 2, 2018)
What Families, Family-based Support Organizations and EHDI Programs Want: Findings from a National Needs Assessment Thursday, August 2, 1:00-2:00 pm ET Hands & Voices™ Igniting Change from the Ground Up: Uplifting Best Practices for Community Organizing and...
THE COURTS: Supreme Court Confirmation Hearing (Washington Update August 2, 2018)
On August 1, Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-IA), said that the committee would hold confirmation hearings on Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh in September, and that a Senate confirmation vote could take place as early as October 1. See Judiciary...