Washington DC Update News
Below are recent articles from the Washington DC Update newsletter, a weekly Family Voices newsletter that provides the latest on national policy affecting children/youth with special health care needs and their families, and also shares relevant resources and happenings in the field.
TRICARE News (Washington Update, October 11, 2018)
Join TRICARE for October 18 Webinar on TRICARE Open Season Beginning Nov. 12, TRICARE will kick off its first annual TRICARE Open Season. Read the full article here. Compare 2019 FEDVIP Dental, Vision Plans Ahead of Open Season (TRICARE Benefits Update, 10/4/18)...
News, Information, and Resources (Washington Update, October 11, 2018)
Protecting our Future: Emergency Preparedness and Children’s Mental Health (CDC Public Health Matters Blog, 10/10/18). In this blog post, the CDC explains that it is incorporating children’s mental health care into disaster preparedness, response, and data collection....
Your Input Sought/Announcement/Of Possible Interest (Washington Update, October 11, 2018)
Your Input Sought Survey on Attending Genetics Appointments after Referrals Open until Oct. 12 The NYMAC (New York-Mid-Atlantic Regional Genetics Network) -- one of seven regional networks in the country funded by the Health Resources and Services Administration – is...
For Those Assisting Victims of Hurricane Florence (Washington Update, October 3, 2018)
[From Health Insurance Marketplace email of 9/20/18. No URL found for this info.] Attention Assisters Who Are Helping Consumers Impacted By Hurricane Florence: Special Enrollment Period Available for Victims of 2018 Hurricane Florence On August 9, 2018, CMS released...
Webinars from the Field (Washington Update, October 3, 2018)
Show Me the Money -- Innovative Funding Approaches to Promote Health Equity Wednesday, October 3, 1:00-2:30 pm ET Trust for America’s Health/Dialogue4Health/Public Health Institute NEW Twitter chat #HealthyLatinos Thursday, October 4, 2:00 pm ET Follow @MinorityHealth...
THE ADMINISTRATION (Washington Update, October 3, 2018)
Julie Hocker joins ACL as Commissioner of the Administration on Disabilities (Administration on Community Living Newsroom, 10/1/18). More on the Proposed “Public Charge” Rule For many months it has been expected that the administration would issue a rule redefining...
CONGRESS: Opioid Legislation/Appropriations (Washington Update, October 3, 2018)
Opioid Legislation On September 28, by a vote of 393-8, the House passed a bill to address the nation’s opioid epidemic – the Substance Use-Disorder Prevention that Promotes Opioid Recovery and Treatment for Patients and Communities Act, or the SUPPORT for Patients...
Medicaid News/Resources (Washington Update, October 3, 2018)
EPSDT webinar recordings and materials: Webinar recording and slides: EPSDT Education for Providers and Advocates. Webinar recording and slides: Medical Necessity and EPSDT: Tools for Providers and Advocates AAP State EPSDT Profiles, which provide insight and detailed...
Medicaid Waivers (Washington Update, October 3, 2018)
FYI, see Trump administration defends Medicaid work requirements (The Hill, 9/27/18). Update: Michigan proposes to amend its “Healthy Michigan Plan” to require Medicaid beneficiaries with income between 100 percent and 133 percent of the federal poverty level (FPL) to...
TRICARE (Washington Update, October 3, 2018)
Together We Can Prevent Suicide (TRICARE Benefit Update, 9/27/18) – provides links to resources to military and TRICARE resources related to mental health care and suicide prevention. Worth repeating: Use TRICARE Online Tools to Help You Choose a Health Plan (TRICARE...