Kristina Trujillo Stephens

About Family Voices \ Our Team \ Kristina Trujillo Stephens

Headshot of Kristina.

Project Director

Kristina has worked in early childhood development, early intervention/special education, public health, and family engagement for over 20 years, focused on creating systems change, advocating for parent empowerment and engagement, and the importance of early, easily accessible, and equitable family supports. She has served as a State Ambassador for DEC, is certified in facilitating Circle of Security Parenting Training, has her Certificate in Maternal Mental Health Training from PSI and the Policy Center for Maternal Mental Health, Facilitator training in Breakthrough Parenting Curriculum: Navigating Trauma Across Generations via the National Child Traumatic Stress Network, and is currently pursuing her Infant Mental Health Policy Endorsement. As an educator and a parent, she is driven to ensure that professionals, policymakers, and educators are not only aware of best practices and guidelines regarding family engagement and child development but ensuring that families are a valued, respected part of all conversations regarding a child’s education/medical decisions and that all parents feel seen and heard. She is a strong believer in the power of advocacy and helping families find their voice, with the firm belief that systems can be improved by strengthening relationships and communication.
Currently, she serves on the Publications & Resources Workgroup Family on the Parent Leadership’s Advisory Council for the National Center for Family Parent Leadership, a member of the national Infant Massage Board, and volunteers with several other state and national boards that focus on infant and maternal mental health, family engagement, and public health. Having experienced early intervention with her youngest child and dealing with chronic health issues herself has made Kristina a passionate advocate for family engagement, resource awareness, and system change, particularly in how it relates to those populations who are historically marginalized or have experienced barriers to access based on things out of their control.
She has two amazing kiddos who teach her new things daily, a dog that hops, and loves really bad dad jokes. Sunshine yellow is her favorite color and she is often found with a cup of hot tea.

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Our Vision

With families at the center of health care, all children and youth reach their full potential and health disparities are eliminated.

Our Mission

Family Voices is a national organization and grassroots network of families and friends of children and youth with special health care needs and disabilities that promotes partnership with families—including those of cultural, linguistic and geographic diversity—in order to improve health care services and policies for children.

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