Family Voices News
CONGRESS: Kavanaugh Hearings (September 12, 2018)
The Senate Judiciary Committee held four days of hearings last week to consider the nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to become an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court. He was questioned extensively regarding health care issues, particularly his positions on...
CONGRESS: ACE Kids Act (September 12, 2018)
Last week the Subcommittee on Health of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce held a hearing and approved a new version of the bipartisan ACE Kids Act, which would provide Medicaid reimbursement for states that choose to establish health homes for children with...
CONGRESS: EMPOWER Act (Washington Update, September 12, 2018)
Last week the Subcommittee on Health of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce held a hearing and approved a revised version of the ‘‘Ensuring Medicaid Provides Opportunities for Widespread Equity, Resources, and Care Act’’ or the ‘‘EMPOWER Care Act.” The bill...
CONGRESS: Opiod Legislation (Washington Update, September 12, 2018)
Last week Senators worked out a deal on legislation to address the opioid epidemic, and the compromise bill is expected to come to a vote as early as this week. Once it passes, there will be a House-Senate conference committee to negotiate a compromise between the...
CONGRESS: ACA Repeal Legislation? (Washington Update, September 12, 2018)
Former and now-again Senator Jon Kyl (R-AZ) was appointed by Arizona Governor Doug Ducey (R) to fill the vacancy left by the death of Senator John McCain. Senator Kyl has committed to holding the seat only until January 3, 2019 (the end of the current congressional...
Medicaid and CHIP News (Washington Update, September 12, 2018)
Infographic: Medicaid and CYSHCN The Catalyst Center has created a one-page infographic illustrating important elements of Medicaid and children and youth with special health care needs (CYSHCN). This infographic is part of a series of infographics exploring key focus...
TRICARE NEWS (Washington Update, September 12, 2018)
TRICARE Podcast, 9/7/18: Child Enrollment in DEERS - ECHO - TRICARE for Life Overseas Transcript Download Subscribe to get Podcasts via email
Your Input Sought/Of Possible Interest (Washington Update, September 12, 2018)
Your Input Sought Survey on Attending Genetics Appointments after Referrals Open until Oct. 12 The NYMAC (New York-Mid-Atlantic Regional Genetics Network) -- one of seven regional networks in the country funded by the Health Resources and Services Administration – is...
Upcoming Webinars from the Field (Washington Update, August 29, 2018)
NEW/TODAY Three-Topic Marketplace Webinar (for Navigators and Certified Application Counselors) Wednesday, August 29, 2:00-3:00 pm ET Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Intended for Topics: Certified Application Counselor Program Refresh Coverage Options...
The Courts (Washington Update, August 29, 2018)
On September 4, the Senate Judiciary Committee will begin hearings on the confirmation of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to be an Associate Justice on the Supreme Court. The following day a hearing will begin in the case of Texas v. Azar (explained), in which twenty states...