Family Voices News
New Report on Equitable Language Access in the Health Care Setting
Greater use and better quality of language access services in the health care setting can help children and youth with special health care needs experience better health outcomes. Family Voices completed an environmental scan, with the participation of over 600...
New Info Brief on Moving to Adult Health Care
Family Voices, in partnership with the Arc of the United States' National Center on Criminal Justice and Disability and the Center for Transition to Adult Health Care for Youth with Disabilities, just released an info brief called "Meeting the Health Care Transition...
Washington Update Dec 5, 2023
The first full week of December finds both the House and Senate busy at work to realize a number of priorities before the end of the year. Read the full newsletter here
Washington Update November 28, 2023
Congress is back in session this week and will look to work on some pending policy priorities before the end of the year. Read the full newsletter here
Washington Update November 15, 2023
The November 17th deadline to pass a federal budget is this Friday, and there is no agreement (on either a budget bill or a temporary, continuing resolution) needed to prevent a government shutdown. The new speaker of the House, Representative Johnson (R-LA), has...
Washington Update November 9, 2023
House and Senate lawmakers have just 10 days to avoid a shutdown, but no plan has emerged. Republican leaders are meeting this week to think about and discuss options such as: 1) another continuing resolution (CR) that extends the current temporary funding until the...
Washington Update October 31, 2023
The House has a Speaker! And so business resumes. This week, negotiations on the budget bills will resume. Read the full newsletter here
Washington Update October 25, 2023
The search for a speaker of the House continues. In the interim, Congress appears to be going about their business- to an extent. Remember that the budget approval is looming (11/17/23 deadline) and until a Speaker is elected, a vote on the appropriations bill- or any...
Washington Update October 19, 2023
Both the Senate and House are in session this week… sort of. The House has been unable to elect a Speaker so much of their business is on hold. Read the full newsletter here
Washington Update October 13, 2023
Legislative UpdateShutdown was averted, but leadership of the House is not clear. Republican leaders of the House hope to vote a new Speaker of the House by the end of the week. For now, Representative McHenry (R. NC) is the “speaker pro tem.” This is temporary and he...