Family Voices News

Washington Update, October 30, 2020

Greetings from Washington, DC In this Update: The administration has issued an interim final rule weakening the “Maintenance of Effort” requirement that states must meet to receive an enhanced Medicaid match during the COVID Public Health Emergency. States may now...

Washington Update, October 21, 2020

Greetings from Washington, DC In this Update: The prospects for legislation to address the pandemic’s financial impact are very dim. The Senate is expected to vote on Monday to confirm Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court. The Maternal and Child Health Bureau...

Washington Update, October 9, 2020

The prospects for legislation to address the pandemic’s financial impact are very unclear at the moment, but it is still within the realm of possibility that an agreement will be reached before the election. Hearings begin next week on the nomination of Judge Amy...

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With families at the center of health care, all children and youth reach their full potential and health disparities are eliminated.

Our Mission

Family Voices is a national organization and grassroots network of families and friends of children and youth with special health care needs and disabilities that promotes partnership with families—including those of cultural, linguistic and geographic diversity—in order to improve health care services and policies for children.

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