Family Voices News
Washington Update October 20, 2021
Deadlines loom, negotiations continue. October 31st is the self-imposed deadline for the infrastructure and reconciliation bills. President Biden is very involved in discussions amongst Democrats in Washington this week as they try to work toward agreement. The...
COVID: 5 lugares con mayor riesgo de contagio en este momento de la pandemia (El Diario NY)
Conforme pasa el tiempo, la vacunación avanza, el COVID cambia y nos adaptamos a coexistir con el virus, los lugares donde es más fácil contagiarse también se modifican Leer más aquí.
CDC Update on COVID19 Transmission
#COVID19 cases are continuing to decrease, but the overall level of community transmission in the U.S. is high. 7-day average of daily new cases is 84,555, a 12.5% decrease from the previous week. Read more here.
Washington Update October 13, 2021
What to say about Washington? CYSHCN related policies, resources, webinars and more! Read the full issue here
Washington Update October 6, 2021
As the dust settles from last week’s race to end-of-September deadlines, is anything more clear as we begin October on the Hill? No, not really! Read the full issue here
National Healthcare Transition Resource Center for Youth with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Funded to Bring Needed Transition Services to Youth and Young Adults
Lexington, MA (September 30, 2021) — Family Voices is pleased to announce that we have received a new five-year funding award from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Community Living, to support a National Healthcare Transition...
Washington Update September 30, 2021
Reconciliation and Infrastructure As of this morning, the infrastructure bill will move ahead to vote in the House by Thursday. Earlier this summer, the agreement among Democratic leaders was to move the votes for the infrastructure and reconciliation bills together...
New Dashboard Shows School Mask Mandates, Policy and Legislation by State. Center for Dignity in Healthcare for People with Disabilities.
The Center for Dignity in Healthcare for People with Disabilities has released a new dashboard that tracks school mask mandates, policy and legislation by state. As schools have started back in-person and as we continue to see the spread of COVID-19, this tool is...
CDC supports booster vaccine for health care workers, teachers and other workers at risk.
In a highly unusual decision, the C.D.C. director, Rochelle Walensky, reversed a move by agency advisers and endorsed additional doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine for health care workers, teachers and other workers at risk. Read More Here.
Webinar: Working Together to Protect Our Adolescents in School Environments from Vaccine-Preventable Diseases
The new school year is in full gear, and students are back in the classroom. School districts have taken steps to ensure a safe and healthy return to the classroom, but health concerns remain. The Delta variant continues to spread, and many adolescents are not...