Family Voices News

Understanding Medicaid Proposed Changes: Key Terms & Phrases
It is important to understand the various Medicaid terms that are being used and how they may impact state Medicaid implementation. The guide below defines commonly used terms and phrases and how changes could affect children and youth with special care needs in the...

Policy Talking Points: Vaccine Confidence
Background The prevalence of autism is estimated to be 1 in 36 children, based on monitoring by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC)’s Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring Network. Increases in the observed prevalence of autism over the past several...
Honoring the Legacy and Generosity of Julie Beckett
Julie Beckett passed away on Friday, May 13, 2022 at her home in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Julie was a passionate and visionary advocate for improving health care for children with special health care needs and disabilities for over 35 years, beginning with her daughter...

Health and Human Services Campaign to Promote the Maternal Mental Health Hotline (1-833-TLC-MAMA)
Mental health conditions are the leading cause of pregnancy-related deaths, more than 80% of which are preventable. The National Maternal Mental Health Hotline (1-833-TLC-MAMA) provides a safe space for pregnant women and new moms to get emotional and mental health...

1115 Waiver Amendments – Five States Expand Medicaid Continuous Eligibility
What is continuous eligibility? Why is it important for children? Continuous eligibility allows people enrolled in Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) to have uninterrupted access to care. Regardless of changes, like increased income,...

Post-Election Strategies for Securing Policy Victories for Infants, Toddlers, and their Families
The National Collaborative for Infants & Toddlers (NCIT) released a toolkit offering strategies and real-world tips to help advance an impactful policy agenda that benefits infants, toddlers, expectant parents, and families. This toolkit shares strategies on...

Continuing Resolution
As December 20 approaches, Congress is faced with a deadline to agree on a budget or pass a continuing resolution (CR) to keep the government running. With a change in presidential leadership, it is more than likely Congress will decide on a CR. This would temporarily fund the government into early 2025.

Office for Civil Rights – Letter on Civil Rights Language Access Requirements
On December 5, the Office for Civil Rights (OCR) released a “Dear Colleague” letter to help providers and other better understand their responsibilities under Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act (“Section 1557”). According to recent census data, nearly 68 million people in the United States speak a language other than English at home. Having access to language assistance is critical to achieving equity in health care.
2024 Data Profile on Health Care Transition
2024 Profile on Health Care Transition for Youth with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

Family Voices Launches Free Online Language Access Course
My Language, My Care helps families learn more about language access. By the end of the course, participants will understand their rights under the law, know more about interpreter confidentiality, and have the tools to advocate for high quality language access services in the health care setting.