National Center for Family/Professional Partnerships News
Webinars from the Field (Washington Update, February 27, 2019)
Starting and Sustaining a Youth Advisory Board, Part 1: Youth Voice Wednesday, February 27, 12:00-1:00 pm ET Family Voices This webinar series is especially for organizations that seek to develop a youth advisory board. Communication for a Nuclear or Radiological...
The Courts (Washington Update, February 27, 2019)
Judge Considers Expanding Child Separation Case (Associated Press, 2/21/19)
Congress (February 27, 2019)
Pallone, Wyden Call on Administration to Stop Allowing Harmful Medicaid Waivers On February 19, House Energy & Commerce Committee Chairman Frank Pallone (D-NJ) and Senate Finance Committee Ranking Democratic Member Ron Wyden (D-OR), sent a letter to Department of...
Medicaid/CHIP News, Information, and Resources (Washington Update, February 27, 2019)
Medicaid Waivers Advocates and Healthcare Providers File Brief in Case Challenging the Kentucky Medicaid Waiver As reported in previous Updates, the administration has been supportive of waivers to establish “community-engagement” (work, education) requirements on...
Affordable Care Act (Washington Update, February 27, 2019)
Need to Submit Documents to Confirm a Life Event? (Healthcare.gov blog, 2/7/19)
Other News, Information, and Resources (Washington Update, February 27, 2019)
FROM THE AGENCIES: Emergency Planning Toolkit for Aging and Disability Networks The new Capacity-Building Toolkit for Including Aging and Disability Networks in Emergency Planning (PDF, 114 pp), is intended to help aging and disability networks increase their ability...
Your Input Sought/Of Possible Interest (Washington Update, February 27, 2019)
YOUR INPUT SOUGHT NEW FEMA National Advisory Council – Due March 15, 2019 The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is accepting applications until March 15, 2019, for 12 open positions on its National Advisory Council. They are seeking one person to fill the...
WEBINARS FROM THE FIELD (Washington Update, February 20, 2019)
SERIES: Pain Medication Education Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation Part 2: Understanding Opioids and Opioid Addiction: Wednesday, February 20, 12:00-1:00 pm ET Part 3: What are my options for tapering opioids? Wednesday, March 13, 12:00-1:00 pm ET Past -- Part 1:...
THE COURTS (Washington Update, February 20, 2019)
Federal Court Agrees to Let Democrats Defend Obamacare in Court (The Hill, 2/14/19) As reported in earlier Washington Updates, a federal district court in Texas ruled, in Texas v. Azar, that the entire Affordable Care Act (ACA) is unconstitutional, as claimed by the...
CONGRESS (Washington Update, February 20, 2019)
ACE Kids Act Introduced in the House and Senate During the last Congress, the Advancing Care for Exceptional Kids Act (ACE Kids Act) was passed by the House as part of a larger bill, but did not make it to the Senate. Since it is a new Congress, all legislation must...