Washington Update, May 19, 2020

Last week the House of Representatives passed, mostly along party-lines, a comprehensive Democratic bill to address the health and economic consequences of the coronavirus pandemic. Among other measures, it would provide additional funding for Medicaid. (The bill does...

Washington Update, May 8, 2020

Once again, Congress is developing legislation to address the health and economic consequences of the coronavirus. States and their Medicaid programs are in financial binds, but it could be weeks before something is passed. CMS released an updated set of Medicaid...
Racial Injustice Unveiled

Racial Injustice Unveiled

Countless unarmed Black men, women and children have been murdered by police for centuries. Most of these victims did not receive justice; many were instead blamed or the incidence swept under the massive rug of systemic racism. However, a collective awakening as to...

Washington Update, April 27, 2020

Last week, another law was enacted to provide financial relief to small businesses and health care providers. Yet another bill is in the works, to be taken up after Congress returns to town (now expected on May 4). Health and disability advocates are hoping to secure...

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Our Vision

All children, youth, and families, especially those with special health care needs and disabilities, experience their best health and quality of life.

Our Mission

Family Voices is a family-led organization that transforms systems of care to work better for all children and youth, especially those with special health care needs or disabilities. By putting families at the forefront and centering their leadership and lived expertise, we build a culture that includes everyone and fosters equitable outcomes.

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To donate by mail, your check payable to Family Voices can be mailed to us at:
Family Voices
561 Virginia Rd.
Bldg. 4, Suite 300
Concord, MA 01742

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