Goals and Accomplishments
The Florida team had a goal of creating a tool for families of children with special health care needs to improve their awareness about family engagement with providers. The tool was designed to be easy to understand and address varying health literacy levels. The team accomplished their goal and created tools for building awareness about family engagement.
The Family to Family Health Information Center in Florida is Family Network on Disabilities.
The team is pleased with:
- How we moved from a brainstormed idea to creating both English and Spanish versions of a new and informative document for families
- Accomplishing the goal of completing our QI project in a relatively short period of time…almost
- How well we worked together as a cohesive group to complete the project and the extent to which our team engaged with one another
The team hopes to:
- Be selected to present a poster at AMCHP 2025 about this QI process and project, and our team’s experience
- Be a good example of how teams should function
- Ensure our infographics will be used in clinical settings as we continue to get positive feedback
- Work together on future projects – possibly a virtual symposium!
Advice for future cohorts:
- Strive for a diverse team with a comfortable number of members. Larger teams require more management by the leader(s) yet can also allow for richer discussions.
- Set expectations for team members and create a team agreement. Have realistic expectations of engagement with families.
- Spend time getting to know one another.
- Commit to attending all meetings and being present during meetings.
- Choose a project AIM that is attainable and sustainable, then stay focused on the AIM.
- Keep tasks small for each PDSA cycle.