Washington DC Update News
Below are recent articles from the Washington DC Update newsletter, a weekly Family Voices newsletter that provides the latest on national policy affecting children/youth with special health care needs and their families, and also shares relevant resources and happenings in the field.
Washington Update December 8, 2021
Government shutdown - averted! A continuing resolution passed in both the House and Senate last week extending funding of existing government programs until February 18, 2022. Now, what to do about the debt ceiling? There has been some discussion of including it in...
Washington Update December 1, 2021
This week’s Washington Update will begin by quoting some news article titles circulating about what is going on as Congress returns from Thanksgiving Holiday: “Congress kicks off year-end legislative Blitz” Welcome to “the December Pileup!” Get ready for “Friday’s...
Washington Update November 17, 2021
On Monday, November 15, President Biden signed the bipartisan infrastructure bill into law. So where, you ask, do things stand with the Build Back Better reconciliation bill? Word on the street is that the House plans to vote on Build Back Better this week. The...
Washington Update November 10, 2021
Much negotiation continues on the details of the reconciliation bill. Last week saw several things being added to or taken away from the framework. Paid Medical leave is back in! Although it is only for 4 weeks total (initial proposal was 12 weeks), it is back in...
Washington Update November 3, 2021
We have a framework! Last week the White House released the Build Back Better framework for reconciliation. Notably, the framework includes an invitation to share how the Build Back Better plan will affect CYSHCN and families. Take a look at it, and scroll to the...
Washington Update October 27, 2021
Finish Line? Congress has not yet crossed a finish line with reconciliation and infrastructure, but it appears that there may be agreement in sight. Although not set in stone, there appear to be some clear indications about some proposals that will not be in this...
Washington Update October 20, 2021
Deadlines loom, negotiations continue. October 31st is the self-imposed deadline for the infrastructure and reconciliation bills. President Biden is very involved in discussions amongst Democrats in Washington this week as they try to work toward agreement. The...
Washington Update October 13, 2021
What to say about Washington? CYSHCN related policies, resources, webinars and more! Read the full issue here
Washington Update October 6, 2021
As the dust settles from last week’s race to end-of-September deadlines, is anything more clear as we begin October on the Hill? No, not really! Read the full issue here
Washington Update September 30, 2021
Reconciliation and Infrastructure As of this morning, the infrastructure bill will move ahead to vote in the House by Thursday. Earlier this summer, the agreement among Democratic leaders was to move the votes for the infrastructure and reconciliation bills together...