Washington DC Update News
Below are recent articles from the Washington DC Update newsletter, a weekly Family Voices newsletter that provides the latest on national policy affecting children/youth with special health care needs and their families, and also shares relevant resources and happenings in the field.
Washington Update March 8, 2023
In Memoriam On March 4th, Judy Heumann, lifelong leader disability rights advocate, passed away. The following is an excerpt from a tribute written by the Consortium for Constituents with Disabilities (CCD): Judy’s life story is well documented by herself and others....
Washington Update March 2, 2023
Legislative Updates Both the Senate and the house are back in session and have begun the March legislative work period. Read the full newsletter here
Washington Update February 22, 2023
Legislative Updates The House and Senate are out of session until February 23, 2023. Healthcare Workforce Shortage Prior to the President’s Day recess, the Senate HELP committee held its first hearing of the year about the healthcare workforce shortage. Senators...
Washington Update February 15, 2023
Legislative Updates The House is out of session for the next two weeks for the Presidents Day work period. Many members of the House will be in their home districts. The Senate is in session this week working on judicial nominations. This might be a great time to...
Washington Update February 8, 2023
Legislative Updates Energy & Commerce Hearing Better Care Better Jobs Act Read the full newsletter here
Washington Update January 30, 2023
Things are picking up steam in DC! The proposed calendars for when the Senate and House of Representatives are in session are available. Committee assignments will be finalized this week. Here are the links for the committees of jurisdiction for the F2F program: The...
Washington Update January 11, 2023
On January 3rd, the 118th Congress began its session. The House of Representatives will be controlled by the Republicans, who have 222 seats. The House Minority Leader will be Representative Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY-8), and the Speaker of the House will be Representative...
Washington Update December 21, 2022
We have a draft Omnibus bill… and 3 days to pass it! The continuing resolution to fund the government ends on December 23rd, so Congress has until midnight on that day to either pass this bill or another continuing resolution to avoid the government shutdown.4,155...
Washington Update December 9, 2022
Talks on a year-end government funding package continue among leadership. As it currently stands, the "four corners" (meaning the democratic and Republican leaders of the committee in each house of congress) leaders of the House and Senate Appropriations Committees...
Washington Update December 6, 2022
This week preventing a strike of railway workers is demanding the attention of Congress but rest assured legislators have not lost sight of the December 16th deadline for the budget. Will there be an end of the year omnibus bill that sets the budget? Will be robust...