Organization: Family Voices of Alabama
Priorities: The Alabama F2F is using the Family Voices CARES Act Telehealth mini-grant funds in two ways. They are expanding the hours of their Famly Resources Specialist to provide information and resources to improve Hispanic families’ understanding of and access to telehealth services. Staff will also purchase tablets for families who need a device to use during telehealth appointments.
Organization: Stone Soup Group
Priorities: Stone Soup Group, the F2F in Alaska, will use the Family Voices CARES Act Telehealth mini-grant funds to provide equipment, training, and culturally appropriate educational materials to communities hit hardest by the need for telehealth services, with a focus on families with CYSHCN who are diverse and medically underserved.
Alaska Tribal Communities
Organization: Stone Soup Group
Priorities: Stone Soup Group, the Alaska Tribal F2F, will use the Family Voices CARES Act Telehealth mini-grant funds to provide equipment, training, and culturally appropriate educational materials to families of CYSHCN hit hardest by the need for telehealth services, with a focus on communities who are diverse and medically underserved.
American Samoa
Organization: American Samoa Department of Health
Priorities: The F2F in American Samoa will use the Family Voices CARES Act Telehealth mini-grant funds to purchase data and myfi bundles from local telecommunication businesses on Island to fund smart phones so our families of CYSHCN can connect to telehealth Services. They will also purchase tablets for families who do not have the devices they need to connect to the internet and assist in paying internet and phone line services to ensure access to telehealth.
Organization: Raising Special Kids
Priorities: Raising Special Kids, the F2F in Arizona, is using Family Voices CARES Act Telehealth mini-grant funds to purchase equipment to expand staff ability to provide telehealth services to families of CYSHCN, and improve the organization’s teleconferencing abilities to work with professionals that serve CYSHCN and their families during the continued COVID-19 pandemic.
Organization: Arkansas Disability Coalition
Priorities: The Arkansas Disability Coalition, the F2F in AR, is a member of the state’s COVID-19 Rapid Response Steering Committee, is helping to gather data and organizational perspectives to inform and participate in deploying telehealth solution strategiesis. As part of that work, F2F staff are working the Tiitle V/CSHCN staff, the Medicaid-funded Provider-led Arkansas Shared Savings Engity (PASSE), and other waiver service providers to identify famlies who need support for telehealth. The F2F will purchase camera-equiped tablets and 12 months of internet access for families with CYSHCN.
Organization: Family Voices of California, Support for Families of Children with Disabilities
Priorities: FVCA, Support for Families of Children is Disabilities, the CA F2F, is using Family Voices CARES Act Telehealth mini-grants funds to provide comprehensive telehealth training for families and staff at their statewide network of Family Resources Centers of CYSHCN. This includes translation of materials into Spanish and the provision of simultaneous translation during webinars.
Organization: Community Voices by CBR YouthConnect
Priorities: Community Voices by CBR YouthConnect, the F2F in CO, is using Family Voices CARES Act Telehealth mini-grant funds to purchase hot spots for families with CYSHCN. Staff is also creating an equipment loan program of phones, computers, and iPads to lend to families to access both telehealth trainings and supports.
Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands
Organization: Commonwealth Healthcare Corporation
Priorities: The MCHB Division of Public Health Services in the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands is the F2F. Staff are using Family Voices CARES Act Telehealth mini-grant funds to purchase equipment and data plans for staff so they can expand their hours and reach more families with CYSHCN, especially families who are hard to reach.
Organization: PATH Parent to Parent/Family Voices of CT
Priorities: PATH CT is using Family Voices CARES Act Telehealth mini-grant funds to purchase equipment for staff to expand the telehealth capacity of the F2F. The F2F is also partnering with Easter Seals, the Council on Developmental Disabilities and other organizations to expand broadband and access to equipment for families. The CT F2F received supplemental Family Voices mini-grant funding to collaborate with the Connecticut Newborn Screening Diagnosis and Treatment Center on a QI project to provide support services during telehealth visits and improve access to genetic services for families of newborns whose Newborn Screenings are out of range.
Organization: Delaware Family Voices, Inc.
Priorities: Delaware Family Voices, the F2F, is using Family Voices mini-grant funds to purchase a tablet for and expand the hours of a staff member who serves as a cultural liaison. The DE F2F will use Delware families’ responses to the Family Voices Telehealth Readiness Quiz, to purchase phone minutes for families. The DE F2F received supplemental Family Voices mini-grant funds to to upgrade its website to provide telehealth information to families and professionals by allowing them to create accounts that allow staaff to collect information about and tailor information to addess their specific telehealth needs.
District of Columbia
Organization: Advocates for Justice and Education
Priorities: Advocates for Justice and Education is the F2F in the District of Columbia. The DC F2F is using Family Voices mini-grant funds to subscribe to mass testing services, purchase third party interpretation and translation services to reach families of CYSHCN who do not speak English as first language, and purchase chrome books and internet services for families.
Organization: Family Network on Disabilities
Priorities: The Family Network on Disabilities of Florida, Inc., FL F2F, is using Family Voices CARES Act Telehealth mini-grant funding to develop telehealth resources, translate materials and develop new telehealth partnerships.
Organization: Guam Department Of Public Health And Social Services
Priorities: The Family Health Information Resource Center in Guam, the F2F, is using Family Voices CARES Act Telehealth mini-grant funds to address the technology needs of both staff and families of CYSHCN. This will increase F2F capacity to provide telehealth services, increase the capacity of families with CYSHCN to access telehealth services, and make it possible for CYSHCN families to connect, be seen, have a voice, and be a part of the family-driven telehealth services for all children.
Organization: Hilopa’a Family to Family Health Information Center
Priorities: The Hilopa’a F2F in Hawaii is partnering with the Department of Health Genetics Program to provide some TA assistance with the Telehealth program within the department. Staff will assist families of CYSHCN in rural communities on the outer islands to connect to and access telehealth services. F2F staff are also partnering the Hawaii Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental Disabilities (LEND) program to provide Telehealth with families and create projects for the LEND trainees.
Organization: Idaho Parents Unlimited, Inc.
Priorities: Idaho Parents Unlimited, inc. is the F2F in Hawaii. They are using the Family Voices CARES Act Telehealth funds to purchase technology for staff to work remotely and to partner with the Cultural Outreach Committee to identify to use the funds to assist families of CYSHCN in underserved communities such as through the purchase of webcams on how to access telehealth services.
Organization: Arc of Illinois F2FHIEC
Priorities: The F2F in Illinois is located at the ARC of Illinois. Staff is using the Family Voices CARES Act mini-grant funding to expand the hours of skilled bilingual Spanish outreach consultant to ensure families of CYSHCN are connected to community resources such as the PTI and advocacy partners, to ensure they can access telehealth services.
Organization: Family Voices Indiana
Priorities: Family Voices of Indiana is the F2F. Staff are using the Family Voices CARES Act Telehealth mini-grant to survey families who have have received telehealth services. Staff will use survey information to adapt the 4-webinar curriculum that Family Voices National is providing to ensure it meets the informational needs of families with CYSHCN regarding access to and use of telehealth services. The F2F is also purchasing equipment to example the capacity of staff to provide telehealth services, and will create a telehealth resource guide. The IN F2F is using supplemental mini-grant funding, to partner with Grupo de Apoyo para Familias Latinos con Autismo (GALA) to increase outreach to Spanish-speaking families whose children have a diagnosis of autism.
Organization: Families Together, Inc.
Priorities: Families Together, Inc. is the F2F in Kansas. The F2F is using Family Voices CARES Act mini-grant funding to translate telehealth materials into various languague, and purchase telephone cards for families who have limited minutes on their phone, will be distributed based on telehealth needs and an application process. They are expanding the hours of a Spanish liaison to provide short informational trainings for Spanish-speaking families of CYSHCN on their Facebook page. The F2F will also purchase technology for staff to expand their capacity to provide telehealth to families.
Organization: Kentucky Family-to-Family Health Information Center
Priorities: The Kentucky F2F is using Family Voices CARES Act Telehealth mini-grant funding to purchase equipment to increase the capacity of staff to provide telehealth services. They are also purchasing gift cards families of CYSHCN can use to buy additional phone minutes or help pay for internet access. To ensure they reach families who are diverse and medically underserved, the KY F2F is partnering with a FHQC in Louisville.
Organization: Bayou Land Families Helping Families
Priorities: Bayou Land Families Helping Families is the Louisiana F2F. Staff are using the Family Voices CARES Act Telehealth mini-grant funding to purchase technology to expand the capacity of the F2F to provide virtual trainings to families of CYSHCN and to expand the hours of a cultural liaison. Funding will also be used to translate materials into various languages, including Braille, and to purchase pre-paid phone cards for families so they can keep in touch with their children’s medical providers.
Organization: Maine Parent Federation
Priorities: The Maine Parent Federation is the F2F. Staff will use the Family Voices CARES Act Telehealth mini-grant funds to update and upgrade their website to support recorded telehealth webinars and other trainings. The upgrade will also enhance the ease with which staff and post new telehealth information and resources for families of CYSHCN.
Organization: The Parents’ Place of Maryland
Priorities: Parents’ Place of Maryland (PPMD) is the F2F. The MD F2F will use the Family Voices CARES Act Telehealth mini-grant funding to engage their cultural liaisons to build telehealth capacity to serve families with CYSHCN who are underserved and hard-to-reach in Baltimore City and the Lower Shore and to develop partnerships to broaden their reach in these areas.
Organization: Mass Family Voices at Federation for Children with Special Needs
Priorities: The Federation for Children with Special Needs is the MA F2F. Staff are using the Family Voices CARES Act Telehealth mini-grant funds to increase the hours for their Outreach and Information Specialists to increase telehealth services to families of CYSHCN in underserved communities in MA. The funds will also be used to purchase technology to increase the capacity of the Outreach and Information Specialists to work remotely.
Organization: Michigan Public Health Institute
Priorities: Michigan Public Health Institute, the MI F2F is partnering with the Sickle Cell Disease Association of America-Michigan Chapter (SCDAA-MI) increase access to telehealth services for families of children with sickle cell in the Greater Detroit area. The MI F2F is using the Family Voices CARES Act Telehealth mini-grant funds to help families purchase internet service, hot spot devices, and tablet, or other devices they need to ensure continued access to health services for children with sickle cell disease during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond.
Organization: PACER Center (Parent Advocacy Coalition for Educational Rights)
Priorities: PACER, the MN F2F is using Family Voices 2020 CARES Act Telehealth mini-grant funds to translate PACER tip sheets about telehealth into various languages. F2F staff will also collaborate with the PACER Medical Advisory Board to create additional content about telehealth for its website.
Organization: Institute for Disability Studies, The University of Southern Mississippi
Priorities: The MS F2F is using Family Voices 2020 CARES Act Telehealth mini-grant funds to design a new brochure, in English and Spanish, to promote telehealth services. The brochure will be distributed throughout the state to families and caregivers. The F2F is also purchasing a lap top with a camera for 1:1 telehealth meetings with families, as well as telephone headsets for each of their offices to increase the capacity of staff to provide health related information and other support to families.
Organization: University of Missouri-Kansas City Developmental Disabilities Resource Center
Priorities: The MO F2F is partnering with the statewide No Wrong Door (NWD) program to expand a daily virtual training and innovative messaging program, called Quillo Connect, for families and caregivers of persons with disabilities and special health care needs. They are using Family Voices 2020 CARES Act Telehealth funds to expand this program to tailor telehealth information for families of CYSHCN who are diverse and medically underserved.
Organization: The Rural Institute for Inclusive Communities at the University of Montana
Priorities: The MT F2F is partnering with MonTECH, the state equipment loan program. The F2F is using the Family Voices 2020 CARES Act Telehealth mini-grant funding to purchase tablets, laptops, headset microphones, and accessible mice/keyboards to expand the equipment available for loans. They will also partner with Mobile Beacon to purchase Gimbowls -hot spots with unlimited data plans – for families. MonTECH is purchasing a van to deliver assistive technology services to central/eastern Montana, some of the least served areas in the state. MT F2F has supplemental mini-grant funding to purchase additional technology and adaptive health tools to expand the repertoire of equipment for the van.
Navajo Nation
Organization: Navajo Family Voices at Indian Country Grassroots
Priorities: The Indian Country Grassroots F2F is using Family Voices 2020 CARES Act Telehealth mini-grant funds to purchase 6 months of broadband-based internet for 20 families of CYSHCN in the Central Consolidated School District that serves rural tribal Navajo Nation chapters. The F2F is also purchasing laptops with cameras and speakers to expand their capacity to provide telehealth services to families. In addition, they have purchased and distributed 40 solar, hand-cranked radios with flashlights and USB phone chargers for families of CYSHCN with unstable electric service in remote chapters to ensure families can stay connected to information via radio, and keep their phones charged.
Organization: Parent Training and Information (PTI) Nebraska
Priorities: The NE F2F is partnering with Dr. Voto, a physical medicine and rehabilitation physician, to to identify families of CYSHCN who need tablets, phones, additional phone minutes, and other tech that families need to make it more affordable and easier for them to participate in telehealth appointments for their CYSHCN.
New Hampshire
Organization: New Hampshire Family Voices
Priorities: The NH F2F is developing new partnerships with community groups that serve families who are diverse and medically underserved by funding cultural liaisons who will assist them in reaching families. Family Voices 2020 CARES Act Telehealth mini-grant funds will also be used to purchase software and other technology to increase outreach to families and to translate materials.
New Jersey
Organization: Family Voices-NJ @ Statewide Parent Advocacy Network (SPAN)
Priorities: The NJ F2F is using Family Voices 2020 CARES Act Telehealth mini-grant funds to expand hours of staff who are diverse to review and adapt telehealth trainings, and to purchase text messaging service to disseminate telehealth information to families of CYSHCN.
New Mexico
Organization: Parents Reaching Out – PRO
Priorities: The NM F2F is using Family Voices 2020 CARES Act Telehealth mini-grant funds to purchase minutes for families, caption or translate telehealth materials, and develop new partnerships to expand broadband to increase their capacity to provide telehealth to families of CYSHCN who are linguistically diverse or underserved.
New Mexico/Arizona Tribal Communities
Organization: Parents Reaching Out (NM) / Raising Special Kids (AZ)
Priorities: The NM/AZ Tribal F2F is using Family Voices 2020 CARES Act Telehealth mini-grant funds to create a web page with links for families to access telehealth resources and phone cards.
New York
Organization: Parent to Parent of NYS
Priorities: P2P of New York State, the NY F2F, is using Family Voices 2020 CARES Act Telehealth mini-grant funds for a Text for Caregivers service, which has been a great platform for getting information to families during the COVID-19 pandemic. They will also purchase technology and pre-paid phone cards for families so they can access telehealth services.
North Carolina
Organization: Family Resource Center South Atlantic
Priorities: The NC F2F is using Family Voices 2020 CARES Act Telehealth mini-grant funds to contract for time for cultural liaisons, translate materials, and pay for internet services for for families of CYSHCN.
North Dakota
Organization: Family Voices of North Dakota
Priorities: The ND F2F is using Family Voices 2020 CARES Act Telehealth mini-grant funds to purchase secure email services to ensure families the information they share is confidential. To expand staff capacity to provide telehealth, they are also purchasing head set microphones, and computers with cameras. To ensure families of CYSHCN can stay in contact with their children’s doctors, they are purchasing cell phone minutes for families. To ensure outreach to families who are diverse and medically underserved they are consulting with cultural liaisons and partnering with ND Assistive on an equipment loan program.
Organization: Ohio Family to Family Health Information Center
Priorities: The OH F2F is using Family Voices 2020 CARES Act Telehealth mini-grant funds to develop and translate telehealth fact sheets into Spanish and Somali in a culturally appropriate and family-centered way. To ensure access to broadband for families of CYSHCN in medically underserved areas, they are providing 10 WiFi hotspots. The OH F2F will also purchase 5 tablets for the County Board of DD to use with families increase access to telehealth services.
Organization: Oklahoma Family Network
Priorities: The Oklahoma Family Network (OFN), the OK F2F, is using Family Voices 2020 CARES Act Telehealth mini-grant funds to purchase data and pre-paid cards for talk/text for families of CYSHCN, and tablets and hotspots to ensure staff who live in areas without broadband access can stay connected and continue to serve families while they are working from home. The OK F2F is contracting with family leaders and other cultural liaisons who speak Spanish, Marshallese, as well as underserved populations who speak English, to conduct Telehealth Readiness Quizzes for Family Voices and OFN. Telehealth materials will be translated into Spanish and languages from the Marshall Islands. Staff are also partnering with the Heartland Genetics Collaborative to host telemedicine trainings.
Organization: Oregon Family to Family Health Information Center @ Oregon Health & Science University
Priorities: The OR F2F is using Family Voices 2020 CARES Act Telehealth mini-grant funds to conduct a QI project aimed to facilitate access to telehealth for immigrant families.
Organization: Parent Education & Advocacy Leadership (PEAL) Center
Priorities: – Identify a limited number (6-9) of organizations within cultural and underserved urban and rural population pockets. – Host focus group(s) with these organizations to identify issues their families are facing in accessing telehealth with the view to brainstorm ways to address those issues effectively for the families they serve. – Work in partnership with those organizations to provide needed accessibility tools to their families (ex., but not limited to, loaner hotspots, telephone minutes cards)
Puerto Rico
Organization: Puerto Rico Family-to-Family Center
Priorities: The PR F2F is using Family Voices 2020 CARES Act Telehealth mini-grant funds to purchase prepaid cards for families and a computer, equipped with a camera and microphone for staff to provide telehealth to families of CYSHCN. The F2F will also let families know they can use the computer for telemedicine visits with their children’s providers.
Rhode Island
Organization: Rhode Island Parent Information Network (RIPIN)
Priorities: The RI F2F, at the Rhode Island Parent Information Network (RIPIN), is collaborating with Progresso Latino, Dorcas International Institute of RI, Center for Southeast Asians, United Way 211, Refugee Dream Center, and others to provide stipends for youth, families and community partners to support attendance at telehealth training, identify youth engagement opportunities, and provide translation services.
South Carolina
Organization: Family Connection of South Carolina, Inc.
Priorities: Family Connections South Carolina is the SC F2F. They are using Family Voices 2020 CARES Act Telehealth mini-grant funds to purchase Salsa Engage, an add-on to their Salesforce database. They will use Salsa Engage to send emails and newsletters more efficiently, to sync telehealth social posts to the website and for registration for events and trainings and to collect impact data.
South Dakota
Organization: South Dakota Parent Connection
Priorities: The SD F2F is partnering with organizations across the state that serve rural, frontier, American Indian, other underserved populations to develop and implement strategies to expand family access, confidence, and capacity to engage in telehealth information and delivery.
Organization: Tennessee Disability Coalition
Priorities: The TN F2F is using Family Voices 2020 CARES Act Telehealth mini-grant funds to adapt and translate telehealth materials for families from diverse cultures. They will also purchase tablets and assistive technology devices that families need to access telehealth. In partnership with local agencies and non-profits, staff is working to bridge the digital divide for families who lack access to broadband.
Organization: Texas Parent to Parent
Priorities: The TX F2F is using Family Voices 2020 CARES Act Telehealth mini-grant funds to purchase laptops, headset microphones, and a remote phone system with text messaging services to increase the telehealth capacity of staff.
Organization: Utah Parent Center
Priorities: The UT F2F is using Family Voices 2020 CARES Act Telehealth mini-grant funds to purchase secure email, headset microphones, and teleconferencing hardware for staff to use with families to access telehealth. The are also purchasing phone cards, internet plans, hot spots, tables and other devices families of CYSHCN need to access telehealth. Staff will consult with or engage a cultural liaison specifically to build telehealth capacity to serve families who are diverse, vulnerable, medically underserved, and hard-to-reach.
Organization: Vermont Family Network
Priorities: In an effort to reach, connect with, and support families of CYSHCN living in poverty, who have literacy barriers, disabilities, and/or who are English Language Learners, the VT F2F is partnering with the Community Health Center network. Community Health teams are helping F2F staff identify families that would benefit from technology such as a Wi-Fi boosters and/or tablets. They are using Family Voices 2020 CARES Act Telehealth mini-grant fund to purchase tech so families can access telehealth and to compensate interpreters.
Virgin Islands
Organization: Virgin Islands Developmental Disabilities Council, Inc.
Priorities: The VI F2F is using Family Voices 2020 CARES Act Telehealth mini-grant funding to purchase electronic equipment to expand the capacity of F2F health navigators to provide telehealth services to families of CYSHCN. They are also purchasing on-line platforms to increase outreach to families, and expanding their website to provide linkages to family support and information on telehealth. With supplemental mini-grant funding, this F2F is providing stipends to support families to learn how to serve on advisory boards and represent the telehealth needs of families who are diverse.
Organization: Family to Family Network of Virginia – Center for Family Involvement @ Virginia Commonwealth University
Priorities: In partnership with the YWCA and the VA Rural Healthcare Association, the VA F2F is informing and educating families in underserved and isolated areas of the Southwest Virginia corridor who experience barriers to accessing resources and healthcare through digital technology. Family Voices 2020 CARES Act Telehealth mini-grant funds are being used to provide 20 additional hours to 3 part-time cultural brokers and 1 rural specialist, and to provide stipends to families to assist with reviewing/adapting culturally appropriate telehealth materials.
Organization: Partnerships for Action, Voices for Empowerment (PAVE)
Priorities: The WA F2F is using Family Voices 2020 CARES Act Telehealth mini-grant funds to continue peer-created telehealth and COVID materials and videos, to continue its contract with a community/cultural liaison, and to crease a POD cast and radio spot in Spanish.
West Virginia
Organization: West Virginia University’s Center for Excellence in Disabilities
Priorities: The WV F2F established a partnership with WVU Hospital, the West Virginia Family Resource Network and Monongalia County United Way to identify a rural clinic location that, if provided the infrastructure, support, and equipment could improve access to specialty care services for CYSHCN by offering Telehealth and Telemedicine services much closer to where families live. The WV F2F used Family Voices 2020 CARES Act Telehealth mini-grant funds to purchase the equipment. With supplemental mini-grant funds, the The WV F2F is collaborating with WVU Children’s Hospital and WV United Way to establish two pilot sites for a Telehealth Access Station. Family Voices 2020 CARES Act Telehealth mini-grant funds will pay for teleconferencing hardware and installation. This will allow families of CYSHCN who do not have broadband connections and/or devices to connect with specialists locally, rather than traveling long distances for specialty care. The WV F2F has supplement mini-grant funding to set up a second Telehealth Access site in Buckhannon.
Organization: Family Voices of Wisconsin
Priorities: The WI F2F is using Family Voices 2020 CARES Act Telehealth funds to obtain texting services, translation and interpreter services to provide Spanish language voice over for online trainings, and to create a telehealth page on its website to house telehealth resources for families, including tools for families to build knowledge, skills and comfort level in accessing and participating in telehealth services.
Organization: Wyoming Institute for Disabilities (WIND)
Priorities: The WY F2F is using Family Voices 2020 CARES Act Telehealth funds to purchase additional cellular data to enable families of CYSHCN to use mobile Hot Spots for high-speed Internet access. Staff are working with specific cellular service providers (Verizon, Xfinity, AT&T, Spectrum, Sprint, etc) to do this. Funds will also be used to purchase headsets with microphones and video cameras for families. The F2F is collaborating with Wyoming Assistive Technology Resources to provide families with technical assistance and support for acquisition of technology (such as iPads, tablets, or Chromebooks). They are also establishing a process for distributing equipment based on family need.