Family Voices News
Your Input Sought/Of Possible Interest (Washington Update July 25, 2018)
YOUR INPUT SOUGHT NEW CMS Tribal LTSS Program Survey This survey is being conducted by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to help them develop a list of tribally operated long-term services and supports (LTSS) programs across Indian Country. The...
July is National Minority Mental Health Month
July is National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month. Join a Twitter chat on July 18, 2-3:00 pm ET
Healthcare Decisions Issued by SCOTUS Nominee Brett Kavanaugh (Washington Update, July 18, 2018)
Here are some analyses of healthcare decisions issued by Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh: Kavanaugh Pick Could Affect Future of Obamacare, Medicaid Work Requirements (Modern Healthcare, 7/10/18) Examining Supreme Court Nominee Kavanaugh’s Health Care Opinions...
Reunification of Immigrant Families (Washington Update, July 18, 2018)
As reported in earlier Updates, the president instituted a policy of separating immigrant children and parents when they enter the US at the southern border in order to deter people from trying to enter the country illegally. The children were put into the custody of...
House Appropriations Committee Approved FY 2019 Labor-HHS-Education Appropriations Bill (Washington Update, July 18, 2018)
Last week, the full House Appropriations Committee approved a bill to provide FY 2019 funding for the Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education. In total, the draft bill includes $177.1 billion in discretionary funding, essentially the same as the...
Senate Finance Committee Holds Hearing on Paid Family Leave (Washington Update, July 18, 2018)
On July 11, the U.S. Senate Finance Committee’s Subcommittee on Social Security, Pensions, and Family Policy held a hearing – “Examining the Importance of Paid Family Leave for American Working Families.” Among the witnesses was Sen. Joni Ernst (R-IA), who testified...
Upcoming Webinars from the Field (Washington Update, July 18, 2018)
EPSDT Education for Providers and Advocates Wednesday, July 18, 1:00-2:30 ET Georgetown Center on Children and Families and the American Academy of Pediatrics NEW Health Action Webinar: The Impacts of Family Separation on Child and Family Health Wednesday, July...
Medicaid/CHIP News (Washington Update, July 18, 2018)
More than 7,000 fail to meet Medicaid work requirements in Arkansas (The Hill, 07/16/18) WORTH REPEATING: Medicaid Social Media Toolkit The American Association on Health & Disability has developed a social media toolkit for Medicaid. The toolkit provides sample...
Affordable Care Act (ACA) and TRICARE News (Washington Update, July 18, 2018)
CMS to Reduce Funding for ACA Navigators Last week the administration announced that it will significantly reduce funding for ACA Navigators for the next open enrollment period (Nov. 1-Dec. 15, 2018, for 2019 plans). (See the CMS press release.) The Funding...
News, Information, and Resources (Washington Update July 18, 2018)
NEWS: Government Shuts Down Websites on Treatment and Quality Guidelines On July 16, the administration took down two “microsites” from the website of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) – the National Guideline Clearinghouse (guideline.gov), a...