Executive Director Blog, November 2023

As we approach 2024, I know the reauthorization of funding for the Family-to-Family Health Information Centers is on many of your minds. Like you, I am concerned about the continuing work of the F2Fs and the impact of reduced funding on children and families. I have...

Executive Director Blog, October 2023

Greetings, I hope this message finds you well. With so much going on in our world and our work, I hope you are taking time to appreciate time with family and friends. The work we do adds to the good in our world. Family Voices stands with children suffering from...

Executive Director Blog, September 2023

It’s September, and as we head into another season, I am excited to share news and introduce our network to some new Family Voices staff members. At Family Voices, we have continued to collaborate on our strategic plan. In fact, we held our first in-person staff...

Executive Director Blog, July 2023

At Family Voices, July marks the beginning of the new fiscal year, which comes with the challenges of closing out the old year alongside the excitement of new beginnings. Your organization might be experiencing the same thing right now. Reauthorization of F2F Funding...

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Our Vision

All children, youth, and families, especially those with special health care needs and disabilities, experience their best health and quality of life.

Our Mission

Family Voices is a family-led organization that transforms systems of care to work better for all children and youth, especially those with special health care needs or disabilities. By putting families at the forefront and centering their leadership and lived expertise, we build a culture that includes everyone and fosters equitable outcomes.

Donate by mail

To donate by mail, your check payable to Family Voices can be mailed to us at:
Family Voices
561 Virginia Rd.
Bldg. 4, Suite 300
Concord, MA 01742

In honor of