Community Code of Kindness

Family Voices is excited to share a new position statement that was created in collaboration with several other organizations. The organizations included in this statement helped to create and adopt the attached collaborative interactions for our national...

Executive Director Blog, September 2023

It’s September, and as we head into another season, I am excited to share news and introduce our network to some new Family Voices staff members. At Family Voices, we have continued to collaborate on our strategic plan. In fact, we held our first in-person staff...

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Our Vision

With families at the center of health care, all children and youth reach their full potential and health disparities are eliminated.

Our Mission

Family Voices is a national organization and grassroots network of families and friends of children and youth with special health care needs and disabilities that promotes partnership with families—including those of cultural, linguistic and geographic diversity—in order to improve health care services and policies for children.

In honor of