by Family Voices, Inc. | Apr 10, 2020 | NCFPP, Washington Update
Once again, the policy world is all about the coronavirus – what laws and regulatory changes are needed to help individuals, health care providers, states, and businesses in this novel and extremely challenging environment. Keep reading for news and resources.
by Family Voices, Inc. | Mar 27, 2020 | NCFPP, Washington Update
It won’t be a surprise that this issue of the Update is devoted to the coronavirus pandemic. As of this writing, two federal coronavirus-related bills have been enacted, and a third is (hopefully) close to enactment. It is expected that there will be more legislation...
by Family Voices, Inc. | Mar 13, 2020 | NCFPP, Washington Update
Greetings from Washington, DC! This issue of the Update is devoted in large part to coronavirus-related policy and information, including information about insurance coverage for testing and treatment for COVID-19, the illness that results from the virus. Top line...
by Family Voices, Inc. | Mar 11, 2020 | Family Voices, NCFPP
After much careful thought and consultation about the coronavirus pandemic, Family Voices has decided to cancel the Family Engagement Convening, scheduled for March 21 in the Washington DC area. Participants will receive a full refund of their registration fee as soon...
by Family Voices, Inc. | Mar 6, 2020 | NCFPP, Washington Update
In the Update this week: The Supreme Court has decided that it will hear oral arguments in the ACA case during next year’s term, which begins in October 2020. A decision is not likely to be rendered until the following spring. The novel coronavirus of 2019 is taking...