by Family Voices, Inc. | Jul 11, 2018 | NCFPP, Washington Update
CMS to Withhold Risk-Adjustment Payments to Insurers On Saturday, July 7, CMS announced that it will not be making the “risk adjustment” payments to insurers as prescribed by the ACA. This decision was based on a February 28, 2018, court ruling that bars...
by Family Voices, Inc. | Jul 11, 2018 | NCFPP, Washington Update
Moving this Summer? Your TRICARE Options May Change (TRICARE Benefits Update, 6/27/18) Moving is a Qualifying Life Event (QLE). It doesn’t change your TRICARE eligibility, but it may change your TRICARE health plan options. Summer Travel: Getting Care While Overseas...
by Family Voices, Inc. | Jul 11, 2018 | NCFPP, Washington Update
NEW Best Practices in Guardianship @SenateAging is taking comment on best practices in guardianship through July 20, 2018, to inform a report they are producing. Email Topics include data collection, avoiding exploitation by guardians,...
by Family Voices, Inc. | Jul 3, 2018 | Family Voices, NCFPP, Washington Update
Greetings from Washington! Last week was a busy one in Congress, the courts, and the administration. The House rejected an immigration bill, and a Senate committee approved some maternal and child health bills. One federal court ordered the administration to stop...
by Family Voices, Inc. | Jul 3, 2018 | Family Voices, NCFPP, Washington Update
Leveraging Digital Tools to Treat Patients along the Continuum of Care Wednesday, July 11, 2:00-3:00 ET FierceHealthCare/Appian (one presenter is from Nemours Children’s Hospital) Adverse Childhood Experiences: Implications for Policymakers and Practitioners...