2020 Virtual Family Engagement Convening
8 Virtual Workshops | April 21 – May 19, 2020
LFPP offered this opportunity to bring together family leaders, Title V professionals, and other stakeholders to participate in eight sessions delivered over a month’s time.
Learn successful strategies and best practices on ways to improve engagement of families, particularly those from medically underserved populations; emergency responsiveness in times of crisis; organizational development; assessment of family engagement; and more.
APRIL 21, 2020
Dr. Michael Warren, MCHB: F2F and Title V Partnerships
Dr. Warren will speak to the importance of family engagement and partnerships between MCHB funded Family-to-Family Health Information Centers (F2Fs) and Title V programs. He will share his vision for current and future partnership opportunities.
APRIL 28, 2020
For Family Organizations: Visioning, Managing, and Succession Planning
This session, led by three Family-to-Family program directors, offers tips and strategies for setting the vision of the organization, managing your team, and succession planning for future leadership.
APRIL 30, 2020
Family Organization/Title V Engagement in
Block Grant Development
Learn about the longstanding partnership between Hawaii’s Family-to-Family Health Information Center and their state Title V organization. Presenters will share their experiences, lessons learned and specific strategies they used to engage families and family organizations in the development of their block grant.
MAY 5, 2020
Sustaining the Relationship: Family Organizations and State Title V Collaboration in Block Grant Implementation
This presentation will tell the story of one state’s longstanding collaboration with their family organization (SPAN) in block grant implementation. Presenters will summarize MCHB guidance on family and family organization engagement in the block grant at all stages, including implementation, and the essential public health functions of maternal and child health programs, and share NJ Title V strategies to engage families and family organizations in block grant implementation; SPAN’s role in block grant implementation across domains and core public health functions; and tips and lessons learned by NJ Title V and SPAN throughout our years of partnering in block grant implementation.
MAY 7, 2020
F2Fs in an Emergency Environment: On the Ground Response to Sustainable Preparedness
Join us to hear about the capacity of Family-to-Family Health Information Centers to create and implement a sustainable emergency preparedness and response plan. A panel of F2Fs will discuss how their organization is responding to the current pandemic and has responded to past local and national emergency situations. Panelists will focus on topics such as communications, infrastructure and organizational change, and the role of formal and informal partnerships to best meet the needs of families they serve. Following the presentations, attendees will have the opportunity to join small group breakout discussions on topics of interest.
MAY 12, 2020
For F2Fs/FVAOs: Q&A/Technical Assistance Panel
For F2Fs and FVAOs only. This audience-directed session is an opportunity to get your questions answered by our expert panel representing MCHB, F2Fs, AOs, and Family Voices National. Please submit your questions in advance to Lisa Maynes at lmaynes@familyvoices.org
MAY 14, 2020
Assessing Family Engagement in Individual & Systems-level Initiatives
Family Voices will present two assessment tools – the Family-Centered Care Assessment Tool (FCCA) and the Family Engagement in Systems Assessment Tool (FESAT). Using actual examples, you will hear from states about how they have used these tools to support, enhance and promote meaningful and sustainable family engagement.
MAY 19, 2020
Building Partnerships to Reach Underserved Populations
Having difficulty reaching and supporting underserved populations? Join us for this webinar presentation to hear three states share successful experiences to develop relationships with underserved populations. Presenters from Title V organizations and F2Fs will share meaningful partnerships they have developed with each other and other partners, strategies employed and key components to the progress made.