Starting and Sustaining a Youth Advisory Board Webinar Series
Family Engagement / Kids As Self-Advocates (KASA) / Leadership in Family and Professional Partnerships / Webinar Archives / Youth Leadership / Youth Self-Advocate Resources
This webinar series is especially for organizations that seek to develop a youth advisory board.
In Part 1, Matthew Shapiro of Kids As Self Advocates (KASA) will provide an overview of the value of having the perspective of youth/young adults with disabilities at decision-making meetings, and discuss elements of youth voice, such as:
- The importance of building youth as self advocates
- Where does self advocacy begin?
- What is youth voice — what does it look and feel like?
In Part 2, attendees will learn the following:
- What a self advocate looks like
- What skills are necessary for a youth leader
- What kind of training and mentoring is most helpful
- Tips and best practices to grow a strong group of youth leaders
In Part 3, attendees will learn the following:
- The nuts and bolts of establishing a board
- Effective ways to keep it going
- Suggestions to engage aged-out youth

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