Stay Covered!
Don’t Lose Your Medicaid Coverage
Project goal
This project will meet the critical technical assistance needs of Family-to-Family Health Information Centers and Family Voices Affiliate Organizations that are helping families navigate the public health emergency unwinding. Our goal is to provide support to help families understand and address issues with Medicaid redeterminations.
What we know
The needs of families have increased due to the ending of the COVID-19 public health emergency. F2Fs and FVAOs benefit from their staffs’ increased understanding of the public health unwinding needs of CYSHCN in their respective states. Targeted technical assistance on the public health unwinding is critical for these organizations to meet the needs of CYSHCN and their families in each state.
What we hope to learn and do
- Prepare the network of F2Fs/AOs to assist families/caregivers of CYSHCN and provide navigation support to families related to Medicaid eligibility redetermination and enrollment.
- Establish partnerships to provide education, training and technical assistance to patients/family caregivers related to public health emergency unwinding.
- Identify, develop, and disseminate information and curricula about Medicaid enrollment, the redetermination process (including appeals of denials of eligibility), and the public health unwinding.
- Analyze and report on the impact of increased funding in addressing the needs of CYSHCN to access Medicaid services following the end of the public health emergency.
What we are developing
- Web pages
- Fact sheets
- Social media toolkits
- Recorded video
- Webinars
- Curriculum & Train the Trainer
Stay Covered! Academy
Module 1
Public Health Emergency Unwinding: Understanding the Impact on Families.
Module 2
I've Lost Coverage, Now What?
Module 3
Navigating Redetermination with Special Populations
Module 4
Panel Discussion: Providing Culturally Responsive Support to Families
Module 5
Creating Effective Outreach Campaigns
Module 6
Panel Discussion: Ask the Experts
Resources by State/Territory
Contact information for this project
Email Suzanne Farris and Vanessa Rodriguez at unwinding@familyvoices.org.
This project is Funded by the Lucile Packard Foundation for Children’s Health.
This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of an award totaling $650,000. The contents are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement, by HRSA, HHS, or the U.S. Government. For more information, please visit HRSA.gov.