FELSC Learning Collaborative
The Learning Collaborative (LC) is part of the work of Family Engagement and Leadership in Systems of Care (FELSC). Family Voices leads this MCHB-funded cooperative agreement, and the Learning Collaborative is led by Family Voices and the National Institute for Children’s Health Quality (NICHQ), experts on quality improvement.  Each year, the Learning Collaborative has a different focus. 


The Learning Collaborative (LC) supports five multi-disciplinary teams who learn about an aspect of the Blueprint for Change and develop a project to explore and improve systems for children with special health care needs in their state, territory or Tribal Nation. Teams must include: 

  • A family-led organization such as a Family to Family Health Information Center 
  • At least 2 families/caregivers
  • At least 1 youth/young adults with SHCN as team members
  • Family Voices can support recruiting and engaging if needed
  • Additional partners such as Title V partners, clinicians and practices, schools, early childhood systems, mental/behavioral health systems, payors, community-based organizations, workforce development initiatives, among others. 
FELSC Learning Collaborative Cohort 1 Health Equity
FELSC Learning Collaborative2 Cohort 2 Financing Services and Social Drivers of Health
FELSC Learning Collaborative Cohort 3 Access to Services

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Our Vision

All children, youth, and families, especially those with special health care needs and disabilities, experience their best health and quality of life.

Our Mission

Family Voices is a family-led organization that transforms systems of care to work better for all children and youth, especially those with special health care needs or disabilities. By putting families at the forefront and centering their leadership and lived expertise, we build a culture that includes everyone and fosters equitable outcomes.

Donate by mail

To donate by mail, your check payable to Family Voices can be mailed to us at:
Family Voices
561 Virginia Rd.
Bldg. 4, Suite 300
Concord, MA 01742

In honor of